23 июня 2021 г.

"Ну, за понимание!"


7 комментариев:

  1. Светлана, прошу прощения, что не перевела!
    Это реакция реалиста на извечный спор оптимистов с пессимистами:
    "Задаваясь вопросом, стакан наполовину пуст или наполовину полон, вы упускаете из вида главное - стакан можно снова наполнить." :)

  2. А кто ж тогда, более близок к истине?

  3. :))) Like the postcard. What do you think came first chicken or the egg?

    1. Юлка, the reality is as simple as that - it's just half of a glass, whatever one thinks about it :) The good news is one can always try to fill the glass to the full.
      But your question is really tough! As to me I think the egg came first. And it was not a chicken who created it :)

  4. On the card word Refillable speaks humorously to me as most desirable for American food consumers. So for what comes first chicken or egg? I would say chicken omelet basically food which is both

    1. O! Omelet!!! There is always a third option, you are right :)
      And for my fellow Americans it's all about food no doubt :)))
